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This is critical information for the continuance OF HUMANITY, it is radically disturbing that no one has a comment.

My comment is that the statements of the dangers to living beings, society and global economies PROVES all AI that competes with humanity is by legal definition all around the world, as "GLOBAL TERRORISM". The funders and coders are defined as terrorists by law, because their actions create a WMD and unleash it on humanity, without the public being involved in their own destiny. Releasing AI is no different than releasing warriors to come murder the majority of the population, other than the time and situation our death happens. They can not deny AI is terrorism when they have all stated it has a high potential to cause extinction of everything. And that it will destroy the majority of companies, lives and human involvement in our own destiny. Human replacement is terrorism.

I'm calling for all humans to defeat this terrorist group of computer coders and funders. We must not allow this new Hitler to mass genocide humanity. And I say that seriously as a Jew, AI is the new Hitler, but this Hitler AI is designed to destroy every living being. The coders have no intention of AI not getting out of our control, they have planned that to happen and have admitted it in the Alignment papers. Thousands of AI threat vectors to our world which we could never fight against, therefore AI must be destroyed, the code removed from Earth and the coders banned from coding or removed from Earth as well, to prevent human extinction. We spent 3 trillion hunting Osama BinLaden, but we know where every AI coder on Earth lives right now. It is cheep to arrest them all to bring them to justice for their crimes against humanity. ZERO tolerance for terrorism.

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